Katie Explains: Boost Oxygen vs Energy Drinks

In her latest video, Katie explains the major differences between all-natural Boost Oxygen and the potentially negative effects from unhealthy energy drinks. Boost Oxygen is healthy and all-natural 95% pure supplemental oxygen, while Energy Drinks can contain large amounts of sugar, caffeine and other unhealthy ingredients.

The Negative Side Effects Of Energy Drinks and Caffeine

After water, sugar is the main ingredient in most energy drinks. A nutritional comparison shows that a 12-ounce cola drink contains about 39 grams of sugar, 41 grams of sugar in an energy drink. Research has found that consuming high-sugar drinks of any kind can lead to weight gain and an increased risk of type 2 diabetes, cardiovascular disease, gout, increased stress, aggressive behavior, increased blood pressure, poor sleep quality and stomach irritation. Another result that is rarely discussed is the effect these products can have on your skin and teeth. Caffeine and sugar products can lead to acne and skin aging, as well as decay, damage and staining to your teeth.

Energy drinks are now common at gas stations and grocery stores alongside other caffeine products like coffees and sodas. They promise a quick fix for your drowsiness. In addition to the negative health effects, they can also cause you to crash after their effects expire - forcing you to drink even more to avoid that crash. The same can be said of the effect of coffee on your body.

According to the Harvard School Of Public Health, the following are specific concerns with energy drinks:

  • Amplified negative health effects in adolescents.Children and teens may experience heightened effects from the high amounts of caffeine, added sugars including high fructose corn syrup, low-calorie sweeteners, and herbal stimulants, partly due to their smaller body size.
  • Marketing tactics towards youth. Estimates show more than a 240% increase in U.S. and worldwide sales of energy drinks. It is a $21 billion industry, with marketing campaigns targeting youth and being sold in places that are easily accessed by this age group. [Youth are exposed to energy drink advertising on children’s websites, computer games, television, supermarkets, and sporting events. Research has shown that adolescents lack maturity in key areas of the brain and are more likely to engage in risk-taking behavior, making them vulnerable to risky behaviors sometimes portrayed in energy drink marketing. Youth are attracted to energy drinks due to effective marketing, influence from peers, and lack of knowledge about their potential harmful effects.
  • Negative health outcomes. Emerging evidence has linked energy drink consumption with negative health consequences in youth like risk-seeking behaviors, poor mental health, adverse cardiovascular effects, and metabolic, renal, or dental problems.
  • Excessive caffeine. Too much caffeine from any beverage, particularly when several are taken in one day in sensitive individuals, can lead to anxiety, insomnia, heart problems like irregular heartbeat and elevated blood pressure, and in rare cases seizures or cardiac arrest. Some energy drinks may contain as much as 500 mg per can (the amount in 14 cans of cola).
  • High sugar content. Because of the excessive sugar content in some energy drinks, they carry the same health risks associated with other sugar-sweetened beverages.
  • Dangers with alcohol. A greater danger is introduced if energy drinks are combined with alcohol, a trend largely seen in underage drinkers and associated with binge drinking. Studies suggest that drinking this type of cocktail leads to a greater alcohol intake than if just drinking alcohol alone. This may be because energy drinks increase alertness that masks the signs of inebriation, leading one to believe they can consume even more alcohol.
  • Lack of regulation. The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) does not regulate energy drinks but enforces a caffeine limit of 71 mg per 12 ounces of soda; energy drinks typically contain about 120 mg per 12 ounces. However, energy drink manufacturers may choose to classify their product as a supplement to sidestep the caffeine limit. For companies that classify their energy drinks as beverages, the American Beverage Association published voluntary guidelines that advise accurate listings of caffeine content, restriction of marketing to children, and reporting of adverse events to the FDA. However, compliance to these guidelines has been found to be low.

Boost Oxygen as a healthy alternative to energy drinks and caffeine

Our Boost Oxygen portable 95% pure supplemental oxygen canisters have no caffeine, sugar, carbs or calories. There is no sugar crash with oxygen. Supplemental oxygen is completely natural, healthy and more relaxing and restorative than energy drinks or coffee.

Boost Oxygen is also an all-natural respiratory support. Increased oxygen intake has been reported by health professionals as a natural health and well-being aid that promotes energy and better mental acuity. Breathing Boost Oxygen improves cognitive performance, memory and reaction time and also makes you feel more alert and energetic. 

If you’re looking for energy, focus or a healthy pick-me-up when working long hours, driving, studying or competing in a game, we encourage you to try supplemental oxygen instead of energy drinks or caffeine products!

We also encourage you to read these additional resources about the negative effects of energy drinks and caffeine.


Are Energy Drinks Addictive to Kids?

Energy Drink Side Effects

Harvard: The Nutrition Source On Energy Drinks